
Dark Age is a multiplayer game set in medieval times, that takes inspiration from the Early 4th Century to the Late 16th Century.

Setting out into unclaimed lands you must work with, or against, up to 200 players in a 64 square kilometre open world.

Dark Age features a 3rd person 360 degree combat system, complimented by light survival elements and a late game NPC driven Economy.

In the world of Dark Age there are many roles from which to choose, ranging from blacksmith or cook, to a mercenary or shipwright, and many more. Become a part of royal politics or make your fortune through economy and trade.

Build villages or establish towns and create a faction, upon which to fight with in skirmishes, sieges and wars, to conquer those who would challenge your rule.

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Concept Art

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Dark Age will feature a wide range of historical armors. Our concept artist uses reference pictures to create armor previews and by doing so, creates a simple way for the rest of the team to follow one unified vision on the style of each armor piece.

By creating those armor concepts we also can immediatly identify possible technical issues which helps us keep our development footprint as small as possible.

Concept Art

Character Art

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We are striving to create super realistic memorable characters. Our character artist developed their own workflow or scan based skin texturing.

The players will be able to choose from a variety of different body types, male and femal, and we will feature a unique face creating system, that helps the player to choose their specific look.

Character Art

Prop Art

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Dark Age will features all the well known medieval weapons and weapon types.

Here shown is a montante with a unique player name carving.

The players will be able to use any weapon from simple sticks and stones, to masterfully crafted swords, traps and large siege weapons.

Additional to that players will be able to craft palpable objects to create immersive lining spaces in their villages and cities.

Prop Art

Environment Art

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Dark Age features on of the lesser known procedural building systems.

While players have full control over layout and functionality of the buildings they create, we hand of the generation of walls, doors, stairs, floors and ceiling to our procedural generation system.

Buildings will age with time and will degrade visually if not cared for properly.

Buildings play a huge role in the NPC driven economy system, since even NPC's need a place to stay warm at night.

Environment Art

Animal Art

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Dark Age will feature all better known animal types that were both being hunted in the wilds and domesticated in the villages.

Our animals artist creates the animals by first building an underlying skeleton, then layering a skin on top and finally sculpting in muscles and skin and hair definitions.

The players will be able to hunt animals with traps, swords and bows.

But beware... not all animals are passively running away. A brown bear or wolf might just be able to kill you.

Animal Art


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Our newly developed combat system features a huge list of description:

  • ⪫ 360 degree attack range
  • ⪫ Flow based combo system
  • ⪫ Melee slasher friendly
  • ⪫ Easy to use, hard to master
  • ⪫ Precise and powerfull

We create our own animations based on research into medieval group fights, classical medieval sword fencing and modern medieval MMA.


Level Design

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Lush Nature, High Cliffs, Rolling Hills, Old Trees, Young Ferns ... Flowers ...

Dark Age will feature a long list of european plants, which the player will have to research, harvest and grow, in order to survive and thrive.

We are developing a sleek, independent developer friendly pipeline, in order to create what we call "modular maps". This will allow us to heavily increase the number of map "types" we have available for all servers.

Level Design


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Scan based materials have enveloped the modern world of game creation in the past years. It is hard though to find medieval materials, since most are either degraded or aged too heavily to make a good determination just based on photo scan techniques.

In order to gain control over the right medieval look and feel on our buildings, armors and weapons, we develop unique base materials.

That allows us to add value to the visuals players encounter in the game, also allowing for material crafting quality levels being visually distinctive from each other.
